
Showing posts from October, 2023

Adapting to the Era of Google’s ‘Search Generative Experience’: Asking ChatGPT How Publishers can Navigate and Thrive

Google unveiled its innovative ‘search generative experience’ in May this year, heralding a new era in online search by incorporating generative AI. While it aims to make search more convenient and interactive for users, following the steps of Bing and Bard’s generative AI, this development poses potentially seismic shifts for online publishers . With the prospect of diminished user traffic and decreased visibility on their sites, the future landscape for these publishers appears challenging. Curiosity piqued on (especially since my own role is that of an online author!), I turned to ChatGPT to have its take on how publishers can not only mitigate these impacts but potentially adapt and thrive in this evolving digital ecosystem. Among its suggested solutions, I found interesting that it suggested publishers adopt methods that AI cannot replicate, such as fostering community and specializing in niche topics (likely combined with not allowing Google to use material on said topics to gen

Seeking ChatGPT's Insight: Are the Biden Administration's 'Trump-Proofing' Efforts Legally and Morally Justifiable?

  Recently, polls indicate that former President Trump's chances for returning to Presidency have become increasingly likely. Given this, there have been rising attempts over the past year by the Biden administration to "Trump-proof" matters so that if Trump is re-elected, he will be unable to (or at least have difficulty in) reversing or nullifying the current policy and agreements.  I decided to ask ChatGPT on this topic because I was curious on whether these efforts by the Biden administration would be successful in restraining Trump, or even whether such actions were morally and legally viable. My doubts arose because actions taken to completely deny or restrain future Presidents from changing policy or agreements (generally speaking), especially if such measures came from Executive Orders, seem to be against the democratic spirit even if they are meant to protect against possible abuse of presidential power.  My question to ChatGPT: Do you believe that the Biden admi

Unraveling the WGA’s MBA with ChatGPT: Expert Analysis or Algorithmic Bias Towards Legalese?

On Oct 9, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) overwhelmingly voted in favour of ratifying the 2023 Minimum Basic Agreement (MBA), which will apply until May 1, 2026. While most news outlets have reported on this as a major win for the writers guild, I grew curious on whether there were any shortcomings in the agreement since the the entertainment industry’s capitulation seemed to come quite abruptly compared to their former hardline opposition to any concessions. Since I am not a legal expert on contract law, I turned to ChatGPT instead to see if it could provide a fresh perspective. Given that the WGA provided both the complete 2023 MBA as well as a summary, I chose to try inputting both into ChatGPT, focusing particularly on the Artificial Intelligence clauses. However, the results made me ponder whether ChatGPT’s analysis might be influenced by bias or randomness. ChatGPT’s analysis of the summary and the complete 2023 MBA: Upon analyzing the summary, ChatGPT initially gave off a ske