
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Benefits and Challenges to Writing Guides using ChatGPT

          Looking back on how I created the tips for writing ChatGPT prompts in August using ChatGPT(published on my Medium account), I noticed both several noteworthy benefits in using ChatGPT as well as a few significant downsides. The greatest benefit was the ease of creating content, yet turning the mass generated content into something readable that matched my intent precisely was the real struggle. Here are some highlights and lessons I learned while making those tips.           To recap, in August I published a series of ‘useful tips’ for writing prompts in ChatGPT to get the precise results a user sought. I created those tips by asking ChatGPT itself extensively on ways users could get more accurate results from ChatGPT, and then kept on asking for more unique or different ways (to improve the prompts) until ChatGPT’s responses became slightly repetitive. I further asked ChatGPT to organize those tips based on broad categories, though I did not specify the categories and allowe