ChatGPT's Age-related Slogans for Biden, Trump, and Desantis.

        Looking at the upcoming US presidential elections, two of the three (as of now) nominees seem to face questions over whether they are 'too old' to run. At 80 years old, Biden is the oldest president to serve, with Trump similarly advanced in years at 76. Compared to them, DeSantis at 44 years old is far younger. Given this potential point of debate, I asked ChatGPT 4 to theorize how these presidential candidates might defend their positions or attack their opponents on the topic of age, as well as to generate possible political slogans they could use relating to this. Here is the political strategies ChatGPT suggested, as well as some creative slogans it came up with. Keep in mind, the entire following article and slogans were generated by ChatGPT, with no edits by myself aside from the initial prompting and guiding (through more prompts) to arrive at this result. 

ChatGPT 4.0: 

Title: Age as a Tool: Politicking in the Prime of Life and Beyond

        In today's politically volatile climate, there's no denying that the age of presidential candidates is a contentious issue. The ages of former presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump and their younger contender, Ron DeSantis, are being dissected in public forums with equal measures of criticism and defense.

        There are, however, different ways to play this card. Ron DeSantis could attack Biden and Trump for their advanced age, questioning whether their ability to serve in one of the most demanding roles in the world is impaired by their seniority. He could frame it as a matter of generational understanding, saying "the times have changed, we need a leader who is in touch with the concerns of the younger generation."

        On the other hand, Biden and Trump can defend themselves by turning this perceived disadvantage into a strength. They could argue that their age has given them the wisdom and experience necessary to navigate the complexities of American politics.

        A campaign slogan holds an essential place in a political race. It is a quick, encapsulating phrase that summarizes a candidate's message, allowing the public to understand a candidate's vision and ethos in an easily digestible format. For our three protagonists – Biden, Trump, and DeSantis – their slogans would not just address their standpoints, but also serve as a response to the age debate.

"Proven Experience for America's Greatness" - Trump

        DeSantis might choose slogans like "Leading the Future, Today" or "New Generation, New Leadership." Biden, having embraced his age as wisdom and experience, could opt for "Seasoned Leadership for Challenging Times" or "Experience and Wisdom: Our Strength, Our Future." Trump, known for his bold, confrontational style, could choose "Ageless Strength, Timeless Leadership" or "Proven Experience for America's Greatness."

"Wisdom Over Folly: The Choice is Clear" - Biden

        Despite the largely positive or defensive framing of slogans, political campaigns can sometimes take a more direct approach in their attacks. DeSantis might consider slogans such as "Fresh Energy, Not Faded Wisdom" or "A Step Forward, Not Back into the Past." Biden, conversely, could counter these with slogans that make a virtue of his experience and longevity in the political arena. Options might include "Wisdom Over Folly: The Choice is Clear" or "Experience Doesn't Age, It Matures." Trump, known for his brazen and provocative style, might opt for more controversial, attention-grabbing slogans. Possibilities could include "Age is a Trophy, Not a Test" or even "Youth Isn't Leadership, Experience Is."

        While age alone provides plenty of fodder for campaign slogans, it gains even more potency when combined with larger social, economic, and political issues. For DeSantis, striking at the heart of his older opponents, the slogans could weave together age with economic and political concerns. Biden could hit back with slogans that seek to emphasize his wealth of political experience while touching upon ongoing social issues. Trump, whose presidency was marked by economic growth but also controversial social policies, could use a slogan like "Age of Prosperity, Not Wokeness."

"Youthful Integrity, Not Old Scandals" - DeSantis

        Moreover, the personal controversies surrounding these candidates can also make their way into these slogans, adding an extra layer of complexity. DeSantis could go for "Youthful Integrity, Not Old Scandals," referencing the controversies that have swirled around both Biden and Trump in the past. Trump, with his combative style, could hit back with "Tried, Tested, and Transparent Leadership," hinting at controversies involving both Biden's and DeSantis's past. Biden, on the other hand, could leverage his image as a seasoned statesman with "Steady Wisdom over Hasty Judgments."

        As these examples illustrate, the age narrative can provide a rich backdrop against which larger economic, social, and political issues play out. As we enter the election season, it will be intriguing to see how these seasoned and budding political leaders will maneuver this sensitive topic. One thing is for sure: age will be anything but a number in this political battle. 

Thank you for reading, and I hope you found it informative and interesting. I would love to hear any thoughts from you on my experiment with ChatGPT.

If you are interested in discussing more about how ChatGPT can be used in such political contexts, or have any questions, contact me at

Disclaimer: This story is only intended to be used for educational or recreational purposes. Responses by ChatGPT and similar AI chatbots, if mentioned in this story, should NOT be relied upon as factual. 


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