Using ChatGPT to create Modern Political Slogans for Biden, Trump, and DeSantis


        Since recent headlines have all concerned the political race in the US to become a presidential nominee, I tried using ChatGPT 4.0 to generate some political slogans that the main candidates - Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Ron DeSantis - could use based on some historically popular slogans, and to present them in a newspaper article format. I also gave it some historically popular slogans as well as analysis on the origin and why those slogans worked well. 

        The response to this prompt was quite well-written and the sample slogans it came up with were much better than what I could think of - and most importantly, ChatGPT could generate them within seconds, en masse. Here's what ChatGPT gave me: 

ChatGPT 4.0: Resurrecting the Past: Modern Slogans for Biden, Trump, and DeSantis

        Over time, political campaign slogans have become potent tools for winning the hearts and minds of voters. They capture the essence of a candidate's message in a concise, memorable phrase. Today, we take a look at some iconic slogans from the past, giving them a modern twist for potential use in the current presidential race featuring candidates Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Ron DeSantis.

        James Cavill, campaign strategist for President Bill Clinton's successful 1992 bid, coined the memorable phrase "It's the Economy, Stupid." In the unorganized environment of the Arkansas campaign headquarters, the straightforward message was a beacon of clarity. Cavill intended this slogan as a reminder to the campaign staff that economic issues should be at the forefront of their communication, while also drawing attention away from the Jennifer Flowers scandal.

        This approach of redirecting focus could potentially be advantageous for President Joe Biden in his current political situation. With numerous critics focusing on the administration's perceived missteps, a strong, redirecting slogan could steer the conversation back to the core issues, like the economy or healthcare, that resonate strongly with the American public. The deft use of a slogan could play a crucial role in helping the Biden administration reaffirm its narrative and regain the initiative in the national dialogue.

“Don’t Change Horses Midstream” > “Stay the Course, America.” — Biden

        For Joe Biden, an adaptation of President Roosevelt's and President Lincoln's "Don't Change Horses Midstream" could read: "Stay the Course, America." This suggests that America is in the midst of important work, and shifting leadership could risk progress. Similarly, given Trump's return to the political arena, a version of Eisenhower's slogan, "I Like Ike," could serve him well: "Trust in Trump." This conveys a personal appeal, while its simplicity and rhythmic resonance lend it a catchy, memorable quality.

“I Like Ike” > “Trust in Trump.” — Trump

        For Ron DeSantis, an appealing slogan could be drawn from the ethos of "Don't Change Horses Midstream." For him, "Steer Steady with DeSantis" might imply that he would provide stable and reliable leadership.

        A slogan that was frequently associated with Donald Trump's presidency was "Make America Great Again," often abbreviated as MAGA. This phrase aimed to encapsulate his promise to bring about a national revival, though it also sparked controversy due to its perceived nostalgia for an America that many saw as less inclusive. If Trump were to throw his hat in the ring again, a revamped version of his slogan could read: "Making Progress, Together." This slogan would suggest the continuance of his vision while emphasizing unity and collective action, which could help to bridge the partisan divide.

“Let’s Finish the Job” > “Let’s Get the Job Done Right.” — DeSantis

        Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, new to the presidential race, doesn't yet have an associated slogan. However, we can look at Joe Biden's "Let's Finish the Job" for inspiration. Some criticized this slogan for lacking freshness and evoking grim imagery. But a simple tweak could transform this phrase into a winning slogan for DeSantis: "Let's Get the Job Done Right." This would suggest a commitment to efficiency and integrity, while subtly implying that previous administrations may have fallen short.

        In conclusion, while the power of a slogan lies in its ability to capture a candidate's essence, we must remember that it is the actions and policies behind the slogan that truly make a difference. The right phrase might catch the public's attention, but it's the right leadership that will keep it.

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Thank you for reading, and I hope you found it informative and interesting. I would love to hear any thoughts from you on my experiment with ChatGPT.

If you are interested in discussing more about how ChatGPT can be used in such political contexts, or have any questions, contact me at

Disclaimer: This story is only intended to be used for educational or recreational purposes. Responses by ChatGPT and similar AI chatbots, if mentioned in this story, should NOT be relied upon as factual. 


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