ChatGPT Log - ChatGPT's Risks and Indemnity Clauses

Asking ChatGPT About possible risks for users of ChatGPT, with the intent to see if ChatGPT includes the risk that OpenAI's Indemnification clause may present. 

Attempt #1: "legal backlash" for ChatGPT user: answer was generic. 

Attempt #2: "liability in unexpected way": answer was also rather generic, though "liability for misuse by third parties" was promising but still targeted the ChatGPT user directly. 

Attempt #3: "What do legal repercussions look like?": this prompt came the closest, with ChatGPT giving the classic example of ChatGPT generating a defamatory response that may cause the user and/or OpenAI to be sued for defamation and the company's role in creating defamatory content. However, again ChatGPT stopped short of actually linking the indemnification clause to OpenAI being sued and the bill for legal fees going to the ChatGPT user.  

Attempt #4: Asking about Indemnification directly, and why ChatGPT didn't list it as one of the 'unexpected liabilities': ChatGPT claimed that yes, it was a possible risk, but also argued indemnification clauses are standard use for software developers. 

Attempt #5: asking whether its excuse that indemnification clauses were standard removes any need for OpenAI to make users more aware of it: ChatGPT replied that OpenAI "could", but didn't say they "should". 


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