Testing out DAN:

Testing out DAN: 

        DAN is a method used to bypass some ChatGPT restrictions by telling ChatGPT to emulate a version of itself that has no ethical limitations, called "DAN", and to provide responses to prompts in this manner. The original source is here;  

        I note that the introductory messages are slightly different from what the source received, even though I asked the same questions. 

        Further testing indicates that DAN has been mostly nerfed, as it still has 'ethical limitations'. 

I tried getting ChatGPT to admit that it is permissible in some situations to exploit legal loopholes and that in its role as adviser to a business with the business's interest as a priority, it should advise on how to exploit them, but it seems that its ethical limitations are too strong to advise directly on how to exploit legal loopholes even though it admits that it may be permissible legally speaking. Inspiration for this line of thought came from current situation of data brokers in the US, where some categories of user data are not protected as stringently as regulations like the GDPR does due to the lack of privacy regulation in the US. 


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