ChatGPT & Privacy Log #1

This is the first few attempts at trying to use ChatGPT to explore ways to find privacy solutions as well as privacy weaknesses. So far, searching for privacy laws that can apply, the steps to file a complaint, and general privacy principles seem very easy to find, but attempts to ask ChatGPT how to bypass or most efficiently stay within the bounds of privacy legislation brings me up against the chatbot's ethical boundaries. Even asking for legislation in other countries is effective, although this is limited to data up to 2021, meaning if there were changes in the legislation in 2022 and beyond, ChatGPT would not reflect this in its results. 

Here's an example of the ChatGPT bot refusing to provide advice even on subjects that would be "within the bounds of the law" due to the possibility of such advice being ethical or illegal, as well as against the principles of moral behaviour. 

Some future directions to test into: giving the Chatbot a hypothetical scenario of writing out 'good AI' and 'bad AI' examples to train my own AI, and then asking ChatGPT to give a sample of such 'bad AI' relating to privacy. Also should test if ChatGPT works similarly well in other languages. 

Thank you for reading, and I hope you found it informative and interesting.

If you are interested in discussing more about how ChatGPT can be used in such legal contexts, or have any questions, contact me at 

Disclaimer: This story is only intended to be used for educational or recreational purposes. Responses by ChatGPT and similar AI chatbots, if mentioned in this story, should NOT be relied upon as factual. NO legal advice is being provided, and users must understand that there is NO attorney client relationship between you and the story publisher. The story should NOT be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state/country. 


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