Nov 16: Korea's PIPC hands out minor fines to multiple businesses for violations of privacy laws

 Nov 16: Korea's PIPC hands out minor fines to multiple businesses for violations of privacy laws

            Korea's Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC) fined 10 businesses that violated Korea'as Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) a total of 32 million won. The investigation began through reports to the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) about safety measures being neglected and consent not obtained for collecting information. The investigation confirmed that personal data was breached by hacking or mistake of personnel, as well as failures to notify the affected person of the data breach. 

            The PIPC also fined another four major businesses - Hyundai Motor Company, Nongshim, IMO, and LPI team - 18 million won for neglecting their duty to protect personal information and not properly notifying affected parties of the leak.  The affected parties was small in number: for instance, Hyundai's personal information breach was that of six people due to a system error, while Nongshim leaked one person's information on its SNS membership sign-up process. 


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