Nov 9: Greater focus on Workplace Privacy by Korea's PIPC, Singapore debates Online Safety Bill

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Nov 9: Greater focus on Workplace Privacy by Korea's PIPC, Singapore debates Online Safety Bill 

Korea's Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC) formed a 'Workers Personal Information Processing Improvement Study Group' which seeks to address concerns over the increasing privacy concerns over CCTV and biometric devices used in workplaces. These concerns include infringed privacy rights due to the difficulty of denying consent and problems on the reliability of artificial intelligence used in job interviews. Surveys conducted by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA) found that when attempting to comply with privacy laws, companies faced challenges over unclear legal standards for digital devices, union opposition, refusal of consent by workers, and safety measures being difficult to implement. 

In Singapore, MPs debated how authorities will determine 'egregious content' in the Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, a proposed Act that aims to regulate harmful online content accessible in Singapore. The main impact of this bill is to allow Singapore's government authority to legally regulate all harmful online content that Singapore users can access, regardless of where the content is hosted or initiated (whereas currently Singapore can only regulate content hosted or initiated in Singapore). 


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