Nov 6: elderly's personal info used to embezzle 810M won

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Daily Brief 

        In Busan, Korea, an elderly welfare facility was discovered to have embezzled 810 million won(around $577 thousand US) in subsidies using the personal information of the elderly. Their personal information were used to make over 2000 elderly appear to be participating in employment reserved for the elderly. They also used online shopping accounts using their personal information to order masks and jackets, received the government subsidies for them, and then cancelled the order. Furthermore, such orders were disguised to appear as if the elderly's work colleagues or family relatives had received the government subsidies, before redirecting the funds to the embezzler's account. A city official stated that to catch such embezzlement using personal information of other, the monitoring and reporting of welfare workers and fellow citizens is critical. 

        Korea's KISA (Korea Internet and Security Agency) have warned Korean airport websites that DDoS attacks by Killnet may occur, after Killnet attacked major US airport websites last month and posted messaged threatening further DDoS(Denial of Service) attacks on US airports amidst ongoing cyberattacks on major countries such as Japan and Europe.  KISA is also urging security updates on OpenSSL, which is a data security protocol (SSL/TLS) open source library used by many companies. 


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