

Adapting to the Era of Google’s ‘Search Generative Experience’: Asking ChatGPT How Publishers can Navigate and Thrive

Google unveiled its innovative ‘search generative experience’ in May this year, heralding a new era in online search by incorporating generative AI. While it aims to make search more convenient and interactive for users, following the steps of Bing and Bard’s generative AI, this development poses potentially seismic shifts for online publishers . With the prospect of diminished user traffic and decreased visibility on their sites, the future landscape for these publishers appears challenging. Curiosity piqued on (especially since my own role is that of an online author!), I turned to ChatGPT to have its take on how publishers can not only mitigate these impacts but potentially adapt and thrive in this evolving digital ecosystem. Among its suggested solutions, I found interesting that it suggested publishers adopt methods that AI cannot replicate, such as fostering community and specializing in niche topics (likely combined with not allowing Google to use material on said topics to gen

Seeking ChatGPT's Insight: Are the Biden Administration's 'Trump-Proofing' Efforts Legally and Morally Justifiable?

  Recently, polls indicate that former President Trump's chances for returning to Presidency have become increasingly likely. Given this, there have been rising attempts over the past year by the Biden administration to "Trump-proof" matters so that if Trump is re-elected, he will be unable to (or at least have difficulty in) reversing or nullifying the current policy and agreements.  I decided to ask ChatGPT on this topic because I was curious on whether these efforts by the Biden administration would be successful in restraining Trump, or even whether such actions were morally and legally viable. My doubts arose because actions taken to completely deny or restrain future Presidents from changing policy or agreements (generally speaking), especially if such measures came from Executive Orders, seem to be against the democratic spirit even if they are meant to protect against possible abuse of presidential power.  My question to ChatGPT: Do you believe that the Biden admi

Unraveling the WGA’s MBA with ChatGPT: Expert Analysis or Algorithmic Bias Towards Legalese?

On Oct 9, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) overwhelmingly voted in favour of ratifying the 2023 Minimum Basic Agreement (MBA), which will apply until May 1, 2026. While most news outlets have reported on this as a major win for the writers guild, I grew curious on whether there were any shortcomings in the agreement since the the entertainment industry’s capitulation seemed to come quite abruptly compared to their former hardline opposition to any concessions. Since I am not a legal expert on contract law, I turned to ChatGPT instead to see if it could provide a fresh perspective. Given that the WGA provided both the complete 2023 MBA as well as a summary, I chose to try inputting both into ChatGPT, focusing particularly on the Artificial Intelligence clauses. However, the results made me ponder whether ChatGPT’s analysis might be influenced by bias or randomness. ChatGPT’s analysis of the summary and the complete 2023 MBA: Upon analyzing the summary, ChatGPT initially gave off a ske

The Benefits and Challenges to Writing Guides using ChatGPT

          Looking back on how I created the tips for writing ChatGPT prompts in August using ChatGPT(published on my Medium account), I noticed both several noteworthy benefits in using ChatGPT as well as a few significant downsides. The greatest benefit was the ease of creating content, yet turning the mass generated content into something readable that matched my intent precisely was the real struggle. Here are some highlights and lessons I learned while making those tips.           To recap, in August I published a series of ‘useful tips’ for writing prompts in ChatGPT to get the precise results a user sought. I created those tips by asking ChatGPT itself extensively on ways users could get more accurate results from ChatGPT, and then kept on asking for more unique or different ways (to improve the prompts) until ChatGPT’s responses became slightly repetitive. I further asked ChatGPT to organize those tips based on broad categories, though I did not specify the categories and allowe

Prompting ChatGPT for Political Strategies #4: "Trump's 'Lady Macbeth' Strategy vs Biden's High Road:

In the 4th Episode of prompting ChatGPT on recent political strategies, I informed ChatGPT4 on the recent ways Trump has attacked DeSantis's wife, Casey, by labelling her "Macbeth". Then, I asked the AI to analyze whether it was a strategically smart move for either Biden or Trump to attack DeSantis through his wife, and the specific ways they could do so.  ChatGPT's response this time intrigued me. Its suggested nickname for Trump to use on DeSantis, "Puppet DeSantis", while it felt (at least to me) quite fitting with Trump's character given similar incidents of name-calling (one of the latest being "Rob" DeSanctimonious), was quite 'on the nose' in my opinion compared to calling Casey DeSantis "Lady Macbeth".  Additionally, although Trump and Biden, by ChatGPT's own admission, had vastly different character brands and ways of attacking political opponents, ChatGPT's suggested strategy for them was quite similar. Chat

Prompting ChatGPT for Political Strategies #3: The Hunter Biden Minefield

          Continuing to explore ChatGPT's generative capabilities in analyzing a political situation and suggesting strategies and creative political slogans, this time I fed ChatGPT some background information on the various issues surrounding President Biden's son, Hunter Biden (using this Time article). Then I asked it to analyze the ways that the current leading presidential nominee candidates, Trump, Biden, and DeSantis, might attack or defend themselves on this topic.            ChatGPT's suggested strategies included some unusual and interesting options, such as Biden pushing for an investigation himself to clearly exonerate himself from this matter. Although I did not think Biden would actually do such a thing because of the risk that such an investigation unearth further issues that his political opponents could use against him, it was still an interesting suggestion by ChatGPT. I also found interesting that ChatGPT's suggestions seemed to emphasize 'morall

ChatGPT's Age-related Slogans for Biden, Trump, and Desantis.

          Looking at the upcoming US presidential elections, two of the three (as of now) nominees seem to face questions over whether they are 'too old' to run. At 80 years old, Biden is the oldest president to serve, with Trump similarly advanced in years at 76. Compared to them, DeSantis at 44 years old is far younger. Given this potential point of debate, I asked ChatGPT 4 to theorize how these presidential candidates might defend their positions or attack their opponents on the topic of age, as well as to generate possible political slogans they could use relating to this. Here is the political strategies ChatGPT suggested, as well as some creative slogans it came up with. Keep in mind, the entire following article and slogans were generated by ChatGPT, with no edits by myself aside from the initial prompting and guiding (through more prompts) to arrive at this result.  ChatGPT 4.0:  Title: Age as a Tool: Politicking in the Prime of Life and Beyond           In today's

Using ChatGPT to create Modern Political Slogans for Biden, Trump, and DeSantis

            Since recent headlines have all concerned the political race in the US to become a presidential nominee, I tried using ChatGPT 4.0 to generate some political slogans that the main candidates - Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Ron DeSantis - could use based on some historically popular slogans, and to present them in a newspaper article format. I also gave it some historically popular slogans as well as analysis on the origin and why those slogans worked well.            The response to this prompt was quite well-written and the sample slogans it came up with were much better than what I could think of - and most importantly, ChatGPT could generate them within seconds, en masse. Here's what ChatGPT gave me:  ChatGPT 4.0: Resurrecting the Past: Modern Slogans for Biden, Trump, and DeSantis           Over time, political campaign slogans have become potent tools for winning the hearts and minds of voters. They capture the essence of a candidate's message in a concise, memo

Asking ChatGPT: Who is more likely to “win” in the Trump-Cohen lawsuit?

Created with Microsoft Bing Image Creator powered by DALL-E           Considering the recent slew of legal cases involving former president Trump and the many varied — and sometimes contradictory — opinions given in news/social media, I became interested in whether ChatGPT could give me a proper legal analysis. To test this, I asked ChatGPT 4.0 about Trump’s lawsuit against Cohen. My original test involved feeding it a popular newspaper article that summarized the legal issues, which led to decent but unsatisfactory results.            For this follow-up test, I first fed it the lawsuit filed in court , then asked ChatGPT on the possible reasons for this lawsuit, ways that both Trump and Cohen could attack, defend, and counterattack, as well as asking it who was more likely to succeed in ‘winning’ the legal case. Although ChatGPT emphasized that the legal outcome would depend on many factors, it did note that it is possible neither party will come out as a true ‘winner’ and that overa